How Much Does Cord Blood Banking Cost
Cord Blood Banking Cost Types
Primarily, there are two types of fees associated with cord blood banking. The first is the initial fee, which includes enrollment, collection and storage for at least the first year, and the second is an annual storage or banking fee. Some facilities offer a variety of options for the initial fee with predetermined extended periods of storage.
Cord Blood Banking Cost
We have conducted an initial research using varieties of online and offline resources to find out the cost involved. According to our research the initial fee will range from $900 to $1500 depending on the predetermined extended periods. Annual storage fees beyond the initial storage fee are about $100.
That may sound expensive, but the cost of processing cord blood and storing it in medical freezers for years on end is considerable. Even public cord blood banks say the initial collection, processing, and storage procedures they use cost about $1,000 per unit of cord blood.
To make the first storage easier on you and your family, storage facilities frequently offer payment plans and prepaid plans at a discounted rate.
But in case of cord blood donation there is no cost to donate cord blood. Donor banks take care of the procedure in covering the cost of storing the cord blood; however, some parents wish to have the option of storing the cord blood for their own personal family use, and for that reason there will be a fee for storage.
Information about banks that will hold cord blood for private family usage can be found conveniently at various online resources.
So, if you wish to donate cord blood, there is no cost at all. Non-profit cord blood banks will handle the procedure and cover the associated costs. Parents who wish to store cord blood for use within their own families, however, will pay a nominal fee.
Your physician can tell you more about the fees and offer a referral to a reputable cord blood bank within your area. Consult your physician whether you’re considering banking or donating your baby’s cord blood. Also, don’t forget to check various online resources, even outside your area, which may be helpful to find the right options to suit your preferences.
Moreover, if you are planning to obtain an overseas cord blood unit (which should be avoided due to many reasons), it can be as high as $30,000 dollars.
It costs about $700 dollars to collect, process and store one cord blood unit (CBU) in Australia; and around $16,000 dollars to provide a suitable cord blood from the ACBB for transplantation.
To have a reasonable chance of providing a cord blood for transplant, a bank of thousands of units will be needed. Currently it costs about $800 to $900 to collect, process, test and store one umbilical cord blood unit. It currently costs $28,000 to identify and obtain a cord blood from the New York Cord Blood Bank to transplant an Australian child.
It costs about $700 to collect, process, test and store one umbilical cord blood, by calculating the matching rate and the usage rate of cord blood stored in the Australian Cord Blood Bank, we have established that it will cost $16,000 to provide a suitable cord blood for transplantation. More concrete information please consult the concerned organization or bank.